Working moms - life is in flux.

You don’t have to be.

24/7 Access to Your Best Self

As a working mom, you're navigating endless transitions.

Your kids are constantly moving through new phases and stages which require thought, emotional energy and logistical support.
Your work is in flux, with new demands and opportunities- but with you less focused and available than ever before.
Each day is full of SO MANY logistical transitions: making breakfasts and lunches, getting everyone out the door, drop offs, meetings and projects, pickups, kid activities, making dinner, and then (finally!) bedtimes.
And you're an evolving person underneath all of that momming and working- you've changed after motherhood but you're not quite sure who you're growing into yet.


Luminary LifeKits are frameworks and toolkits that help working moms with young kids navigate all of the transitions and feel more like the best version of themselves.


The Calm Kit

The Calm Kit is a step-by-step framework for working moms of young kids to feel more connected, clear, and calm without adding another time consuming to-do to your busy schedule.
  • Learn the power of self-regulation and how to influence your mind-body connection
  • Discover the Get Calm Framework to transform your experience from stressed to spacious
  • Feel grounded, refreshed, and resilient
  • Show up as your best self to your work, to yourself, and to your loved ones 

The Vitality Kit

The Vitality Kit is a step-by-step framework for working moms of young kids to find fulfillment, direction, and energy in the daily shuffle without loosing touch with what matters most.
  • Learn how to identify core values and improve your wellbeing with values-aligned living
  • Access the Find Vitality Framework to bring both energy and clarity to this new season of life
  • Feel contented, awake, alive and purposeful
  • Revitalize your sense of self, your health, your relationships and your work in the world

The LifeKits have quite literally been life-changing for me! I’m using the tools and they’re helping me to feel more balanced, relaxed and empowered in my day-to-day life. I especially love that I have unlimited access anytime I find myself in need of a reset.

- Tara A., Bookkeeper/Landscape Architect


Cara is a wealth of knowledge, experience and full-hearted passion. She beautifully balances knowing her stuff while being completely human and accessible, and shares a devoted joy for connecting with others on the road to health and wellness.

- Sarah H., Realtor/Brand Strategist


Cara is a wise and incredibly skilled mental health practitioner with an amazing toolkit to offer to those she works with. But more than that - she’s a gifted guide in the art of living well. Her deep kindness and depth of knowledge permeate all of her offerings.

- Amber A., PA/Women's Health Practitioner

You want to show up to your life, loved ones, and work as your best self.

You love your life, your work, and your people and wouldn't trade any of it.

Yet you're longing for something more sustainable and fulfilling. You want more enjoyment and presence.

You're hungry for more energy, ease, and space to savor these full-on and fleeting pre-K and grade school years.

Learn More

Want to feel refreshed, replenished and reconnected? 

Only have 10 minutes in between commitments, caregiving and to-dos?

Stuck scrolling or tasking for relief and feeling blah?

Feeling irritable and pressured?

Can't get your mind to quiet down?

Running low on the motivation to take care of yourself first?

I've got you mama. Allow ME to take care of you.

Try out my FREE 10 minute Get Calm guided audio practice.


Hi there!

I'm Cara Maiolo.


I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor, Wellness Educator and working mom.

Friend, I’m so glad you’re here.

I can't wait to share with you the life-changing, easy to use, and profoundly effective tools and frameworks that have helped me and so many other women navigate this full-on and deeply fulfilling journey of working motherhood.

In addition to being a mom of a 7 year old, I also happen to be a trained therapist and wellness educator. It's a big part of my job to stay up to date on what helps women feel and live better.

I believe that all working moms are Luminaries...

Read More About Cara