Hi there! I'm Cara Maiolo.
I'm a Licensed Professional Counselor, Wellness Educator and working mom of a young kiddo from Colorado. I’m so glad you’re here.
I can't wait to share with you the life-changing tools and frameworks that have helped me in this full-on and deeply fulfilling journey of working motherhood. Honestly, I only know about these types of things as a working mom because I also happen to be a trained therapist- it's a big part of my job to stay up to date on what helps humans feel and live better.
I believe that all working moms are Luminaries.
A LU·MI·NAR·Y is...
A person who inspires or influences others
A person of eminence or brilliant achievement in their field or sphere
A natural source of light
You have something vital and irreplaceable to offer yourself, your loved ones, and your work in the world.
The LifeKits
Luminary LifeKits are online programs that help working moms with young kids navigate all of the transitions and feel more like the best version of themselves.
So you show up better — to your loved ones, your life, and your work.
Believe me, I know that navigating the endless transitions of motherhood is often trickier and clunkier than we'd like. We want to bring the best parts of us to the forefront (not the wrung- out, limp dish towel, frenzied versions of ourselves!).
We care about the work we're capable of doing in the world, and want the energy and clarity we need to make our mark.
Thankfully, there are effective and efficient frameworks and tools that make navigating the transitions and the challenges much more doable.
With 20+ years of experience developing wellness education programs that distill complex clinical concepts into actionable, relatable and accessible frameworks for better living, I’m on a mission to bring working moms everywhere access to the high-quality, life-changing health information, tools and results that I’ve found most effective for myself and my clients.

Professional Bio
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, Wellness Speaker and Educator, and Founder of Aspen Integrated Counseling and Luminary LifeKits. With 20 years of experience as a mental health provider and wellness educator, my depth of experience matched with a relentless love of learning and ongoing training allows me to combine precision, compassion, and a down-to-earth approach while helping people move toward vitality and wellbeing.
I co-founded Be Luminary, offering self-leadership and integrated health training to individuals and organizations in retreat, workshop and digital education formats. I'm passionate about distilling clinically proven methods and mental health resources down into relatable, actionable and growth-producing educational experiences. I enjoy helping people navigate their inner world with more skill, to gain confidence in their ability to move toward a life that has fulfillment, connection, and vibrant health.
My Vision & Values
I’m a person who sees the world and the people in it with endless curiosity and possibility for good. I’m a developer of potential and get ridiculously excited when I stumble upon things that could influence my own or other people's lives for the better.
So I've bottled up all of my decades of professional experience and training, combined that with my personal passion for lifelong learning, sprinkled in my love of experiential education and teaching, then distilled it down into top-notch courses and toolkits that will transform your life and wellbeing.
When I'm not geeking out over mental health and relational health concepts, counseling or teaching, I'm strategizing ways to fill my life with ample travel, life affirming books, delicious food, and lots of adventure time with loved ones. I'm striving to be my best self for these two boys.

All right friend, enough about me - let's check in with you.
If any of this sounds good, then you’re in the right place. Life is in flux. You don't have to be! Luminary LifeKits give you 24/7 access to your best self. Helping you move through your day with greater ease, energy, clarity, and calm.
Let me share with you the essential tools and frameworks that I, my clients, and my students access every day to move toward thriving, and bringing our highest selves to life, work, and relationships.

Want to get started?
- Transform your experience of stress and discover the best ways to get grounded and resilient.
- Learn how to deactivate your stress response, replenish your energy reserves, refresh your mind and feel more balanced throughout your day.