The Calm Kit

The Calm Kit is a step-by-step framework for working moms with young kids to feel more connected, clear, and calm without adding another time consuming to-do to your busy schedule.

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What if you could feel more resilient and present as a working mom?

Maybe you're feeling both tired and wired. Your energy and emotions are fluctuating with so much on your plate. You're frazzled (even underneath that pro exterior), preoccupied, stretched thin and pulled in a million directions. There's so much vying for your attention, and you're just trying to get through it all in one piece at the end each day.

Friend, you're not alone. The role of working mom with young kids is incredibly demanding. Your nervous system is constantly in flux and you're really feeling it.

There's a simple solution: efficient (10 min or less) and effective Get Calm Tools (backed by clinically proven methods), that boost your mood and help you feel more connected, clear and calm at work and with your family.

Before I completed the Calm Kit I was always feeling rundown and like I was in a battle with the day. I felt like I needed to get through it, instead of being present. Now, I am able to restore my energy during the day using the Calm Kit Tools so I can focus on what really matters and let go of what doesn’t. 

-Kellyn W., Educator/Business Manager

I use the Calm Kit tools in between meetings, before I pick up my kids, before a big presentation, and whenever I feel like I need a re-set. I'm so grateful to have the tools and knowledge to slow down, self-regulate, and connect with my best self so that I can show up for my family, friends, and colleagues. 

-Lily L., Non-Profit Program Director

The Calm Kit

Online Course + Toolkit

Expertly designed by Cara Maiolo: licensed professional counselor, wellness educator, and working mom with a young kid.

Learn the Get Calm Framework and access the Get Calm Tools to help you navigate all the transitions of your day and feel refreshed, grounded, engaged, and like you can show up to each role you play (at work and at home) as your best self.


The Calm Kit


Online Course + Toolkit

  • Learn the Get Calm framework
  • On demand, top-notch, and life-changing wellness education
  • Do it at your own pace- early mornings, late at night, in between meetings, or on the go.
  • Downloadable PDF Resource Guides
  • Expert Toolkits with the Get Calm Tools
  • Clinically proven, highly effective, and absolutely practical for the busy working mom with young kiddos.

Feel more connected, clear, and calm without adding another time consuming to-do to your busy schedule.

  • Learn the Get Calm Framework to transform your experience from stressed to spacious

  • Feel grounded, refreshed, and resilient

  • Show up as your best self to your work, to yourself, and to your loved ones 

  • Access efficient (10 min or less) and effective Get Calm tools (backed by clinically proven methods)

  • Step up your ability to navigate challenges and to show up in a way you're proud of in both your professional and personal life

  • Gain 24/7 access to the private podcast audio library of tools- so you can access them as you need them, when you need them on-the-go and right from your phone

Cara Maiolo, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor, Wellness Educator and Working Mom with a young kiddo.

Hey there working mom. I see your dedication and heart, keeping all the balls in the air, loving so much about this stage of life AND feeling totally depleted, on edge, somewhat lost and overwhelmed at the same time.

This season of life we're in is so intense. And so wonderful. And so, so challenging. Believe me, I get it. It takes one to know one- and we're all a part of the same tribe over here. 

I've been counseling and teaching top notch wellness education for over two decades now. I've also navigated the steep learning curve which is showing up to motherhood wholeheartedly while staying invested in a career I love.

I know what works. What's practical and seamless to implement. I've put it all into top-notch courses and toolkits that will transform your life and wellbeing.

Learn More

Want to feel refreshed, replenished and reconnected? 

Only have 10 minutes in between commitments, caregiving and to-dos?

Stuck scrolling or tasking for relief and feeling blah?

Feeling irritable and pressured?

Can't get your mind to quiet down?

Running low on the motivation to take care of yourself first?

I've got you mama. Allow ME to take care of you for a few minutes.

Try out my FREE 10 minute Get Calm guided audio practice.