FREE Get Calm Tool

Learn how to refresh your mind & body, replenish your energy, and reconnect with your best self with an effective, efficient, and easy-to-use guided practice.

Just pop in your ear buds, find a place to kick back and give it a listen in between meetings, after work, or before you pick up your kiddos from school or daycare.

Cara's go-to Get Calm guided practice

Get immediate and FREE access my favorite 10 minute Get Calm guided audio tool with an Overview and Check-in Guide.


What you'll get working mama (for FREE girl)

  • A downloadable 10 min guided audio relaxation practice that I can't wait for you to try out- it's been a game changer for me!
  • It'll bring a little bit of TLC in your busy day. You're giving and giving all day- please allow ME take care of your for a few minutes. You just have to press play and get ready to receive the benefits of this clinically sound relaxation tool.

  • This expertly crafted Get Calm Guided Audio Practice (it's called Non Sleep Deep Rest in clinical field) is designed by yours truly. I'm Licensed Professional Counselor and Wellness Educator so I promise you it's legit.
  • An in-depth Overview outlining best practices for using this tool. Includes the benefits of the Get Calm NSDR Tool, guidance on how to use it, and my favorite tips on how to incorporate this highly effective stress management resource into your daily life.
  • A Check-In Guide to help you reflect on your own experience of the practice and to increase your understanding of it's benefits for YOU.


Get Your FREE Get Calm Guided Practice Tool

Learn how to refresh your mind & body, replenish your energy, and reconnect with your best self.

Created by Cara Maiolo, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor and Wellness Educator from Colorado.

I'm a working mom with a young kid AND I have over 20 years of experience developing wellness education programs distill complex clinical concepts into actionable, relatable, and accessible frameworks for better living.

I’m on a mission to bring working moms everywhere access to the high-quality, life-changing frameworks, tools, and results that I’ve found most effective for myself and my clients.

This working motherhood thing is so full-on and intense...but also fleeting and can be deeply fulfilling.

I designed Luminary LifeKits online programs to help working moms with young kids navigate all of the transitions that come with this season of life, so they can feel more like the best version of themselves, more of the time.

Luminary LifeKits deliver effective frameworks and tools to set you up for living a life you truly love. And empower you, as a working mom with young kids, to move through your day with greater ease, energy, clarity, and calm.