Meet Cara + Welcome!

Apr 29, 2024

Hi there! My name is Cara Maiolo- I'm a working mom and a Licensed Professional Counselor. I am so glad that you're here. Let me be the first to welcome you to the Luminary Life Kits community. I want to tell you a little bit more about me and my deeper why (my passion) behind the Luminary Life Kits online courses. 

My deeper why

I have 20 years of experience developing wellness education programs and I love to distill complex clinical concepts into actionable, relatable, and accessible frameworks for better living. I am on a mission to bring you and everyone access to the high quality and life-changing health information, tools, and results that I have found most effective for myself and my clients. 

The LifeKits

In my 20 years of experience as a licensed professional counselor, I often wished and wanted to give my friends, my family, and my close inner circle all of the skills and tools that have learned in my career (so that I can better help my counseling clients).

I just happen to have a profession that I profoundly love AND I gain access and exposure to so much high quality mental health, relational health, and emotional health information. I created the Luminary LifeKits so I can bring the same tools and frameworks I want to give my loved ones to all of you as well.

Everyday tools for extraordinary living....for EVERYONE!

So as unique as you and I are, as all of our life circumstances are, there are a few ordinary human challenges that we ALL face. And we all need tools to navigate through them. You need them. I need them. So the LifeKits are just kind of like adulting 101 (from a mental health perspective)!

The LifeKits offer frameworks that I believe are really, really important to live well, to lead well - in our lives and in our families. I really want you to be able to SHOW UP to your relationship with yourself, to your family, to your loved ones, to your work in the world and to anyone and anything that is in your sphere of influence. I want you to be able to show up to that with your highest self in the driver's seat.

And in order to have that highest self in the driver's seat, you need to have effective tools that will change the way you navigate through stress, life's challenges, adversity, the complexity of being inside this human skin that we can all relate to.

You are here for a reason.

You have skills, qualities, talents and gifts that are meant to be of service to and profoundly benefit the people in your sphere of influence. So let me help you with some tools that'll bring your highest self to the table. And then you go out there and live a life that you love and a life that benefits the world around you.

The personal details

OK, so a little bit more about me. I am a person who sees the world and the people in it with endless curiosity and possibility for good. I love to develop potential and I get ridiculously excited when I stumble upon ideas or tools or frameworks or things that can influence my own and other people's lives for the better.

When I'm not geeking out about mental health and relational health concepts, when I'm not counseling or teaching, I am really trying my best to stay graceful and playful in the working mom dance.

I have a seven-year-old son (at the time of this writing). I'm endlessly finding ways to bring myself to my most resourced place so I can be present with he and my husband, and enjoy time with them.

I love cooking, watching cooking shows- especially reality cooking competitions (one of my relaxation jams). I love to cook. I love to eat good food. I love to travel. I love to read. So I'm always filling my time with life-affirming books or just like binge worthy fiction! And then anytime I can adventure with loved ones, I'm here for it. I live in Carbondale, Colorado, so there's a lot of outdoor adventure in our world.

Wow, thank you for getting to know me.

And yeah, I'm really striving to be my best self for you all, for my friends and family, for my clients and for the two most important people in my life: my husband and my son. So that's a little bit about me. You'll learn more about me along the way.

Thank you so much for being here and for the gift of your undivided attention. I hope you have a beautiful day.

Life is in flux.

You don't have to be.

With Luminary LifeKit Courses + ToolkitsĀ 

Access the high-quality, life-changing health information, tools and results that Cara has found most effective for herself and her clients.

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