The Vitality Kit

The Vitality Kit is a step-by-step framework for working moms with young kids to find fulfillment, direction, and energy in the daily shuffle without loosing touch with what matters most.

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What if you could feel more fulfilled and enegized as a working mom?

Maybe you're feeling unfocused and unfulfilled. You're getting through each day, but not feeling as engaged or inspired as you'd like. You aren't really sure who you are right now- so much has changed and you're feeling disconnected from the YOU underneath all the momming and working. You set goals and intentions for yourself, but either have a hard time following through or feel like you're trying to squeeze into an outdated version of yourself.

Friend, you're not alone. This season of life you're in is unlike anything you've ever been through before. You've changed, and you need to redefine your values to help guide the way.

There's a simple solution: easy to use and effective Get Vitality Tools (backed by clinically proven methods), that bring clarity to your day and help you feel more contented, purposeful, flexible, and connected to meaning and personal fulfillment at work and with your family.

Before taking the Vitality Kit course, I hadn't really understood what my core values were. I was feeling stuck and overwhelmed by the day to day hustle. The course and it's tools really opened up a sense of direction and helped me get back in touch myself. Now, I live and work from a more purposeful and fulfilled place.

- Emily A., Director of Learning

Cara is a wealth of knowledge, experience and full-hearted passion. She beautifully balances knowing her stuff while being completely human and accessible, and shares a devoted joy for connecting with others on the road to health and wellness. The Vitality Kit is now an integral part my decision making and values aligned actions.

- Sarah H. - Realtor/Brand Strategist

The Vitality Kit

Online Course + Toolkit

Expertly designed by Cara Maiolo: licensed professional counselor, wellness educator, and working mom with a young kid.

Learn the Find Vitality Framework and access the Find Vitality Tools to help you uncover fulfillment and clarity in this season of your life, and to help you navigate the changing landscape of your health, relationships, sense of self and work in the world.

Discover the power of identifying core values for this current season of your life, and get tools to help you align your day to day with what matters most. 


The Vitality Kit


Online Course + Toolkit

  • Learn the Find Vitality framework
  • On demand, top-notch, and life-changing wellness education
  • Do it at your own pace- early mornings, late at night, in between meetings, or on the go.
  • Downloadable PDF Resource Guides
  • Expert Toolkits with the Find Vitality Tools
  • Clinically proven, highly effective, and absolutely practical for the busy working mom with young kiddos.

Find fulfillment, direction, and energy in the daily shuffle without loosing touch with what matters most.

  • Learn the Find Vitality Framework to bring both energy and clarity to this new season of life

  • Feel contented, awake, alive and purposeful

  • Revitalize your sense of self, your health, your relationships and your work in the world

  • Access efficient and effective Find Vitality tools (backed by clinically proven methods)

  • Discover your core values and learn how to bring them to life as you move toward your deeper desires and intentions in practical, powerful and consistent ways

  • Gain 24/7 access to the private podcast audio library of tools- so you can access them as you need them, when you need them on-the-go and right from your phone

Cara Maiolo, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor, Wellness Educator and Working Mom with a young kiddo.

Hey there working mom. I see your dedication and heart, keeping all the balls in the air, loving so much about this stage of life AND feeling totally depleted, on edge, somewhat lost and overwhelmed at the same time.

This season of life we're in is so intense. And so wonderful. And so, so challenging. Believe me, I get it. It takes one to know one- and we're all a part of the same tribe over here. 

I've been counseling and teaching top notch wellness education for over two decades now. I've also navigated the steep learning curve which is showing up to motherhood wholeheartedly while staying invested in a career I love.

I know what works. What's practical and seamless to implement. I've put it all into top-notch courses and toolkits that will transform your life and wellbeing.

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